Cable ducting, also known as wiring duct, is a channel system used to carry electric installation in buildings. Cable ducting is also often used for closed-circuit monitoring systems. These systems use cable ducts to provide a safe and secure method of signal transfer.
In addition to its aesthetic value, cable ducting is a durable material that can withstand temperatures of up to 60 degrees Celsius. It is also flexible enough to run around corners. It can resist moisture and oil, and its elegant design enhances the overall appearance of a building.
Several models are available for various applications. The best choice depends on the application and location. It is important to ensure that the ducting is installed correctly. This can help prevent unnecessary repair costs and maintain a safe working environment.
The material used to make cable ducting is highly impact resistant, and it can withstand salt solutions, oil and chemicals. It also has high dielectric strength. This means that it can support a large number of cables. It can be used in industrial settings and in commercial buildings. Its smooth surface also reduces friction between the cable and the duct.
One of the most important advantages of cable ducting is that it can be installed underground. It can be installed beneath pathways or along property boundaries. This makes it legal. However, it is important to follow proper safety procedures in order to avoid damage or harm to people and animals. Typically, the duct should be buried to minimize the risk of injury. The ducting should be marked with a locating device. The duct should then be run in a trench that is at least a foot deep.
There are many types of underground cable ducting available. Some are made of stainless steel, while others are available in plastics of any color. The type of duct you choose should be based on the application and the utility provider’s specifications. You can also request help from customer service to help you select the right conduit.
In addition, you should be familiar with the different colour codes for underground utility lines. If you don’t know what a certain color indicates, you could cause an accident and damage to the underground services. If you misread the colour code, you could also cause electrocution. For this reason, it is important to take the time to do an inspection of the ducting. This can be done visually, without touching it, and look for fraying or cracks. If you notice any problems, take corrective measures as soon as possible.
Whether you are installing the cable ducting for the first time or you are looking to replace an old system, there are a few important steps you should take to ensure the process is successful. You should first measure the distance between the supports, the total weight of the cable, and the route you plan to run the cable. Once you have the necessary measurements, you can start laying the cable.